Monday, January 5, 2009

Monday 5th Jan 2009

Ok, the repercussions of Saturday night still linger like ripples on a pond. I can see why and actually find it quite funny.
I have to say, right here and right now, we all had a great night. None of us fell out and it was good fun. However, the fact that one guy walks in with a busted chin, and then there’s me with a Subconjunctival Haemorrhage (burst blood vessel in my eye), which looks like I have been punched, I can see why people are leaping lemming-like to the wrong conclusion.
I know I haven’t been punched…..and I also know that you do not believe me…..but trust me, I can’t feel any bruising so that rules out even an accidental collision.
My denials count for nothing in the office (and I would expect and deserve nothing less) as it is all banter with good intent. If the situation were reversed I would be exactly the same of course. Love it!
I elected to stop at the pharmacy on the way home and get something to treat my eye with. I needed something that would wash it out and clean it obviously. The driver came with me in case there were any language difficulties of course even though the majority of people out here have an excellent command of the English language. You have to understand that, out here, pharmacists are allowed to dispense any medication without prescription, so you assume they know what they are talking about. Should I therefore be worried that a supposed trained medical person’s first words upon seeing my eye were “oh shit!” do you think?

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